Central Paving Repairs, Widens & Realigns a Country Road in the Boise Foothills.
Highlights: Repair, widen, and realign county roadway through upper Boise foothills. Of the approximate 45,000 CY of earthwork, the majority involved sliver cuts and fills of engineered slopes of 3:1 pitch. Topsoil was replaced and revegetation successfully completed. Work involved Section 404 permitting requirements through USACE. All EPA NPDES permit requirements were fulfilled, including BMP placement and maintenance.
Owner: Cartwright Ranch, LLC / Ada County Highway District (ACHD)
Contact: John Swartz. (208) 938-4270 / Justin Bledsoe (208) 387-6283
Location: North Ada County, Idaho
Dates: Spring/Summer 2008
Cost: $2 Million